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Nancy Widoner's

"Pop Pipes" Theater Organ

Concert Programs


Mixing classic and current hit songs in her programs, Nancy plays music that is fun for all ages. 

Born in Syracuse, raised in Liverpool, NY.

Lives in Binghamton, NY.


Nancy started piano lessons at age 5. Her father was a Theater Organ enthusiast who took his family to many organ concerts throughout the state. While in high school she began to take lessons in pop and classical organ, and played before school events.


Music degrees followed: a BM in education from Fredonia, and a MM in organ performance from Binghamton University. Nancy recently wrapped up a 31 year public school teaching career, having taught music to all age levels Pre K through 12, including bands, choirs, general music and music theory.


Nancy is the organist and choir director at First Congregational Church, Binghamton. She is a resident organist with BTOS (Binghamton Theater Organ Society) and recently performed her POP PIPES; Waltzes, Tangos. and Marches program at the Forum Theater in Binghamton, NY on the Robert-Morton IV/24 Organ.


Contact Nancy to bring a POP PIPES Program to your Theater Organ Society or Church today!


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